Sunday, November 18, 2012


We're celebrating it tonight with Terry's work friends as it's easier for everyone to prepare the food with a full free weekend. We've rented out a cafe here in town and we're all bringing different dishes that are traditional in our families so it should be good. There are also people responsible for the decorations, games and above all drinks, including Old Fashioneds which are also standard in my family so I can't wait!

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Oh dear...they're already practicing for Sunday...which is when the practicing starts?? Nov 11 in Holland is when Carnival officially starts. Or rather, it's when they begin preparing for Carnival;,_Switzerland_and_Austria
Here's a link to last year, which was 11/11/11!
It's also St. Martin's Day:


My favorite quote about voters & Obama this time around was something along the following lines: It's like a couple renewing their vows. They may not be as giddy as they were on their honeymoon, but at the end of the day they still love each other.

I woke up SO many times in the night, but I just checked the clock, not actually the results. I finally couldn't sleep after 5:30am and got the result I was hoping for! And yes, expected as well. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

1 year!

This weekend is our first at home together since my bday! T was in the States for 2 weekends, then his dad was staying with us, then we were in Munich for Oktoberfest, then we were in Belgium for a wedding! All fun, but it's still nice to have some down time. Monday is also 1 year from the day we moved here, which is cause for celebration. Probably with this local pastry:

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Email to my cousin Amy!

I'm doing well! T's in the States, but I've been having fun here. I went to a bday party last night for 2 Portuguese girls, and it was one of those absolutely perfect international experiences with people from Holland, Germany, Belgium, France, Spain, India, Boston, Florida, Paraguay, Chile, Brazil, Iran... it was awesome! And there was an amazing jam was just one of those moments that I can pinpoint as the very reason we moved here. It was great!

Grant's wedding was perfect, and I'm gonna wear the same outfit to my friend's wedding in October. I gave her a couple choices of what I could wear and she said that what I wore to Grant's wedding is perfect and very me, so I'm please with the outfit.

It was AWESOME to see A, K, M & A! I'm SO glad I got a chance to see them before the girls had grown up much more. But Annie was a completely different person from when I saw her last (obviously, as it was last November that I saw her). I think that whole family is just awesome.

Good luck in the crunch time. I'd love to catch up once it's all over. I'd love to catch up before, but find that unrealistic. :) We don't have any travel plans between now and Xmas, but I'm getting super excited for our trip around the world and I'm still just so incredibly high from this engagement. :)

Friday, August 31, 2012

Bday Plans!

Tonight I'm going out with friends after work, and tomorrow is Terry's work's annual anniversary party, so they're taking us to the Efteling:

I'm also going to eat a delicious Bosche Bol on the way to the station beforehand:

Then I'm coming home and calling Grandma since she can't call me and would be very disappointed if she didn't get to talk to me on my bday, then going out. Then on Sunday Terry booked us the High Tea at Pilkington's in town:

All I asked for for my bday was for him to make a reservation for us there. Maybe that's what Pat's bday $ to me will buy us!